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A quick guide to help you get started with Events

George Ilie avatar
Written by George Ilie
Updated over a week ago

Note: This is a subscription-based feature. You will need to contact us if you wish to activate it.
The events module introduces a number of tools to help with the day-to-day running of your business. You have a choice of 4 types of events. These are:

  • Pricing Alerts

  • Tasks

  • News Articles / Blog Posts

  • Website Event

Where do I create a new event?

Events can be created from the events page. Alternatively, some types of events can be created quickly through methods described further below. Go to the Events menu item and press Create Event. Select the type of event you require. The event can be of one or more types. For example, an event can serve as both a pricing alert and a task. Enter the title, and specify content that you want to show with this event using the WYSIWYG. Finally, specify the dates when the event should occur, and the days of the week on which the event should occur.

How do I use tasks?

Let's start with tasks. Tasks can be your daily to-do list, or simply reminders for you and your staff. For example, you can add a task to remind you to set up a room for a conference meeting.

Adding a task is easy. On your dashboard, you will notice a panel labelled Tasks. Hit the plus button to the right of the label and you will be met with a prompt for the details of your task. Enter a message and the time when the task will take place, and hit Add to save your task. If you want to set up a repeating or date range restricted task, you may go to the advanced view (explained further below).

After you have added your task, you can either cross off the task by clicking on it or delete the task by hovering over it and pressing the red minus button.

How do I use pricing alerts?

Next up are pricing alerts. A pricing alert serves as a reminder to adjust rates on a date in relation to external factors. Such a factor may be a music festival happening in town over the weekend, which may bring an influx of guests. To add a pricing alert, go to either your diary screen or your rates screen. Hover over the dates across the top of the screen and click on the calendar icon shown. You will be prompted to enter a message for your pricing alert, hit Add to save. If you want to set up a recurring pricing alert, go to the advanced view (explained further below).

Where can I see pricing alerts for a date?

After you have added a pricing alert to a date, a striped bar will appear at the top of the date. This indicates that there is at least one pricing alert set up for that date.

To view the pricing alerts on a date, hover over the date and a popup will display more details about the alerts. You can also remove pricing alerts from this popup by hovering over the pricing alert and hitting the red minus button.

Can I show News Articles and Events on my website?

Yes, you have the choice to have any events or news posts you create on the Diary display directly on your website. Jump to the Events Module Integrations for your Website article for a quick walk through.

Can I set up a recurring event?

Setting up a recurring event is done through the create/edit event page. When creating or modifying an event, specify the dates when the event should occur. You have the option to have an event which spans all-year round, an event which starts on a certain date and has no end date or an event that is restricted to a specific date range. Next, specify the days of the week when the event should occur. For example, you can set up an event in January between the 1st and the 31st which takes place every Tuesday and Thursday of the week.

Is it possible to search for events?

Searching for events is possible through the events page. By default, this page displays upcoming and ongoing events. If you want to look for events in the past or find a specific event, you can do so by searching by event type and/or title.

Like what you see?

Contact us, or request the feature from the GuestDiary Store on your dashboard.

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