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Promo Codes

A quick guide to help you get started with Promo Codes

George Ilie avatar
Written by George Ilie
Updated over a week ago

Note: This is a subscription-based feature. You will need to contact us if you wish to activate it.

Promo codes provide a quick and easy method to offer discounts or free extras to your guests. The following article will introduce you to promo codes, and provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to use them.

How do I create a Promo Code?

To begin creating your first promo code, expand the Rates menu on the left-hand side navigation and click on the item labelled Promo Codes. Hit the green Create Promo Code button in the top right corner to open up the form.

Once there, enter your desired promo code (may only contain letters, numbers and spaces). Next, select one or more occupancies that you would like to make available with this promo code. You will be asked to select between 4 promo code types. These are:

  • A flat discount

  • A percentage (%) discount

  • A fixed night rate

  • A free upgrade

Pick the type you find appropriate for your promo code. If you have selected one of the first 3 options, enter a numerical value that the promo code should use. If you have selected the 4th option (free upgrade), select one or more of the available options, or quickly create a new one by clicking on the 'Click to create upgrade' button.

Once you are done picking a type, you will be asked to provide a message that the guest will see once they apply the promo code. The message can be congratulatory, or simply informative.

By default, the promo code will be available on all days of the week. If you wish to restrict this, deselect any days of the week on which the promo code should not be available on. For example, if you select Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, the promo code will work if at least one day in the searched date range (excluding the departure date) is a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday.

Finally, you may choose to restrict your promo code to a date range. The promo code will only work if the arrival date is between or on the dates you enter here.

Hit save, and your promo code is ready to use!

How will my guests use promo codes?

When someone is looking to book through your booking engine, they have the option to enter a promo code before they carry out a search. If the code they enter is valid, the message you provided with the promo code will be shown, and the promo code will be applied to all occupancies that are associated with it.

Search results affected by the promo code will be sorted towards the top and will be
marked with a label indicating that the promo has been applied.

Alternatively, you can share a link featuring the promo code to your guests. To do so, read the next section of this article.

Can I send a link to a guest with the promo code?

Yes, you can! If you are familiar with the special offers link builder, it is the same process. On the promo codes page (i.e. where you can view your existing promo codes), you will see an orange button labelled Generate Promo Link. Hit this button, and a popup will be displayed.

Select the appropriate occupancy and rateplan (only the ones you have selected during the creation of the promo code will show) that you want to promote, as well as the dates, number of adults, and number of children. Your link is now ready to share.

Like what you see?

Contact us, or request the feature from the GuestDiary Store on your dashboard.

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