With GuestDiary.com, it is possible to mark a non OTA* credit card containing reservation as having an Invalid Credit Card. This can be done at any time and in a few different ways.
From the diary screen
From the booking reports screen
From The Diary Screen
To mark a reservation as having an invalid credit card, simply right click on the desired reservations pill and select the menu option "Mark Credit Card Invalid". The pill will change colour and a popup will appear allowing you to automatically notify the guest via email
From The Booking Reports Screen
Navigate to the Booking Reports screen (Reservations > Booking Reports). From here, use the form to search for the reservation with the credit card you wish to invalidate. Click the yellow dropdown button under the Actions heading and select Mark Credit Invalid. You will also be presented with an option to notify the guest via email, same as above.
How Can I Undo The Invalid Status?
Simply repeat the above steps, if the reservation already has an invalid card associated with it, then the menu option will read "Mark Credit Card Valid". You can also mark a credit card as valid from the Needs Attention page.
Needs Attention
Any reservations with cards that have been marked as invalid will appear on the Needs Attention page (Reservations > Needs Attention). From this screen, you can easily deal with the reservation using any of the buttons that will appear next to each reservation.
You can choose to:
Resend the notification email
Edit the reservation (to add a new credit card to the guest)
Mark the card as valid (undoing the invalid status)
Cancel the reservation
The only way to remove the reservation from this screen is by either undoing the invalid card status or by cancelling the reservation.Β
Reservations With Multiple Rooms
Please note that if you mark a reservation, that has multiple rooms allocated to it, as invalid, each of those items will also be marked as having an invalid credit card.
*Booking.com being the exception, see Notify Booking.com for more information