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No Show Status

Information regarding marking a reservation as a "no show"

Written by Andy Bassett
Updated over 6 years ago

With, it is possible to mark a reservation as a "no show" on or after the reservations arrival date. Doing this is very straight forward, on the Diary screen, right click on the reservation you wish to mark as no show. A menu will open up, as shown below, with an option to "Mark No Show".

Pill Colour

Clicking on this option will update the status of the reservation to "No Show" and will change the colour of the pill on the Diary screen. The colour can be customised on the Colours page. (Settings > Colours)

Mark No Show & Cancel

Marking a reservation as no show will not automatically cancel the reservation, therefore, the pill will remain on the Diary screen. If you wish to free up the room as well as mark the reservation as a no show, the menu option "Mark No Show & Cancel" will achieve this.

How to Undo?

If a reservation has been marked as a no show, an option to "Undo No Show" will appear. Clicking this will set the status of the reservation to "Confirmed". No Show

If the reservation being marked as no show is part of a booking that has one or more reservation items, each of the items will be marked as no show. However, won't be notified unless the user follows the steps in Notify

Needs Attention

Marking a reservation as a No Show will add it to the Needs Attention page for 48 hours or until the No Show status is removed, whichever comes first. As can be seen from the snippet below, a number of actions can be performed on a no show from this page.

View / Edit -  This button will read "Edit" if the reservation hasn't been cancelled and "View" if it has been cancelled. Clicking Edit will take the user to the Edit Reservation page, there, the user can make alterations to the reservation. Clicking View will show the user that reservations Confirmation.
Bill - This button will open a new popup where the user can assign a bill to the reservation. This will work regardless of whether the reservation is cancelled or not.
Undo - Clicking undo will allow the user to undo the no show status and will also open a popup to allow the user to reinstate the reservation if it was cancelled.*

No Show Page

In order to view reservations that were marked as no show over 48 hours ago, the user can go to the No Show Page (Reservations > No Shows). This page will list all reservations that have been marked as no show (unless undone). This page lists the no shows similarly to the Needs Attention page but only allows the user the View / Edit dependent on Cancellation Status.

*If the reservation originated from and they were notified of the no show, undoing the no show will not re-notify

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